Hatha yoga madrid
Hochschulsport – yoga
” Jurista y profesora de inglés excelente. Sus cursos de inglés jurídico son muy recomendables ya que conoce muy bien tanto la materia como el idioma. También sus clases de inglés general y de negocios son muy bien estructuradas, desde la conversación se practica todo lo necesario para hablar bien con énfasis en la pronunciación, las estructuras gramaticales y el vocabulario variado. También te manda los apuntes al móvil con lo cual es muy fácil seguir las clases. Muy recomendable. ”
Las clases de MethodologyMy son para aquellos que quieren acercarse al yoga o que ya lo practican para ayudarles a cambiar sus vidas como el yoga ha cambiado la mía. A través de una vigorosa práctica de asanas, respiración pranayama y meditación se puede eliminar el estrés y conseguir un profundo conocimiento de uno mismo. A nivel físico se puede conseguir una mejor forma física, flexibilidad y fuerza. A nivel mental se puede conseguir calma, concentración y eliminar la ansiedad y los miedos. Pruébalo y lo comprobarás.
He enseñado durante un año y medio en muchos gimnasios como Virgin y centros de yoga en Milán. Los alumnos siempre estaban contentos con la clase. Recientemente me he mudado a Madrid y me gustaría volver a dar clases. Enseño en español, inglés y por supuesto italiano.
Hatha yoga flow
Hatha is a term that has been used since the 12th century and covers the most known yoga styles today: Iyengar, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Kundalini, etc. Do not forget that the postures practiced in the different schools are always the same, what changes is the order, how to link them and breathing.
Nowadays, Hatha refers to a style that usually follows the following guidelines: the class begins with a breath or pranayama, followed by the Sun Salutation and a sequence of twelve linked postures that is repeated several times.
The postures complement each other, strengthening all the limbs of the body. It improves posture, stimulates the internal organs, promotes circulation and works on elasticity, flexibility and strength.
Everyone can practice Hatha as each posture has different adaptations, with or without supports, and can also be replaced by another with similar benefits and without the contraindications for that particular case.
Session day 28/04/2020: hatha yoga
Hatha Yoga is the basis of many of the styles of Yoga practiced in the West. It is a gentle, yet intense style that has the benefits of increasing flexibility and toning the body, improving body posture and decreasing stress.
In Sanskrit, “ha” means sun and represents the masculine and more active energy of the body, and tha means moon, which represents the feminine energy, relaxation. The practice of hatha yoga seeks balance between both energies.
In Hot Yoga Madrid we practice Hatha Hot Yoga at 35 degrees. This practice begins with sun salutations, stretching, bending, balancing postures, twisting, inverted, relaxation exercises, breathing and meditation. The practice ends with the Savasana posture (final relaxation posture).
Hatha yoga & pranayama
Hatha Yoga can be practiced by anyone, regardless of age, religion, sex or physical condition; since the yoga teacher will guide you correctly in the practice so that you can adapt it to your own body without fear of injury or harm if there is already any pathology or pain.
A basic Hatha Yoga class should integrate physical postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayamas) and an inner work or consciousness that is reached through relaxation and meditation, mental stillness.
Yoga is a path that must be traveled with short but firm steps, cultivating patience and respect towards oneself and others, an apprenticeship, a path towards the interior, the awakening of consciousness…
Anyone can do Hatha Yoga because its practice is directed towards relaxation and stress reduction. You don’t have to worry about not being flexible enough or if you will be able to keep up with the pace of the class.