Medium marilyn rossner
professor marilyn rossner
This extraordinary book is the memoirs of Marylin Rossner, considered the best medium in the world. Professor at the University of Vanier (Canada) and Doctor of Educational Sciences, for four decades she has dedicated herself to collecting the messages that the deceased send to the living to guide us through the crossroads of everyday life. In addition to having delivered these revelations to thousands of people around the world, Marylin has been received by Carol Wojtyla or Mother Teresa of Calcutta, among many other personalities. The question that titles this book will probably provoke in the reader the answer: I DON’T KNOW. The prestigious medium answers that: NOBODY KNOWS. THAT’S WHY WE ARE HERE, TO SEE IF WE GET THIS INVITATION. For the first time, Marylin Rossner has decided to share with readers all the secrets of her gift and her life, as well as the messages that have come to her from beyond to successfully face our uncertain times. From her privileged position between two worlds, the author of this memoir leads us to a new dimension of faith and hope, while showing us how to contact the teachers and loved ones around us to receive their strength and inspiration.
marilyn rossner wikipedia
El espíritu nos recuerda que debemos vivir cada día con plenitud, sabiendo que éste es el mejor día de nuestras vidas, y que este momento es el mejor y único que realmente tenemos. A medida que el invierno “blanco y plateado” se funde con la primavera, tomémonos el tiempo para reflexionar, hacer introspección y tener claro lo que es importante en nuestras vidas ahora. La Spiritual Science Fellowship es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro dedicada al desarrollo de la persona total.
La Dra. Marilyn Rossner es la fundadora-presidenta de la SSF, y vicepresidenta y cofundadora del IIIHS. Es profesora jubilada de asesoramiento en cuidados especiales en el Vanier College de Montreal, y ha formado parte de las facultades de las universidades McGill y Concordia. La Dra. Marilyn es una galardonada terapeuta del comportamiento infantil, una intuitiva y visionaria de renombre mundial, una ministra interreligiosa (ICCC) y la organizadora de las conferencias del IIIHS. Ha compartido sus magníficos dones del Espíritu por todo el mundo, y es conocida por sus edificantes mensajes del mundo espiritual y sus visiones de lo que es significativo en la vida actual.La Dra. Marilyn ha aparecido en televisión en muchos países, incluido el programa Beyond Reason de la CBC.
marilyn rossner 2020
Únase a una de las principales médiums de la nación en un círculo de clarividencia para recibir mensajes evidentes de sus seres queridos y maestros espirituales. Este círculo se llevará a cabo en línea, y resultará ser una experiencia emocionante y alegre para todos.
La Rev. Dra. Marilyn Rossner, Ed.D., Ph.D. es miembro y residente del Campamento Chesterfield desde hace mucho tiempo, y también vive y trabaja en Canadá. Es cofundadora del Instituto Internacional de Ciencias Humanas Integrales (IIIHS), una organización no gubernamental afiliada a las Naciones Unidas que trabaja por un entendimiento interreligioso e intercultural para la paz mundial. También es fundadora y presidenta del Spiritual Science Fellowship Center (SSF) de Montreal (Canadá), una asociación sin ánimo de lucro dedicada al desarrollo de la persona total. Ha viajado y demostrado sus dones espirituales de Mediumnidad y Sanación por todo el mundo.
marilyn rossner age
How many times have you had to overcome the prejudices of those who may consider you a phony? I believe that prejudices are just an opportunity to explain love, light and truth. If we understand where prejudices come from, then we can understand why they are so.
This Saturday you are giving a seminar in Barcelona. It is usually an event where many things happen… Saturday’s lecture covers many aspects of spiritual life: what happens after death, learning to die, understanding spirit guides….
You say you have telepathic, clairvoyant, precognitive, clairsentient and psychometric abilities. How do you use your gift and how do you communicate with spirits? I pray, I call my spirit guides and then a special guide begins to communicate with other people’s guides and with those loved ones who have been important in those people’s lives. A medium is a person who brings messages from those who are on the other side and want to tell us that they are still alive. In my case, I see certain things around people: colors, dates and spirits. When someone is going to die I feel that their astral body is ready to leave the physical one, and sometimes I feel, see or hear that someone wants to talk, so I offer myself as an intermediary. I go into a trance and the spirit communicates through me.