Yoga caceres

Yoga and meditation as an alternative therapy for your wellness

Imagine a few days in solitude in a rural lodge in the middle of nature, meditating, praying or simply finding ourselves again. Of course, with the cell phone turned off and with a healthy but appetizing diet. All this and much more…
We give less and less importance to the act of eating: we eat in a hurry, sometimes working and often watching our cell phones or television. This has a negative impact on both our physical and emotional health.  Sofía López Cifuentes, nutritionist and…

Entrevista a george caceres

He trabajado con Carla anteriormente durante un tiempo y estoy contento de volver a nuestras sesiones. Me encanta de nuestras sesiones que son ambas, holísticas, pero en realidad también súper prácticas. En una época en la que era realmente difícil para mí sentir que tenía mi situación laboral bajo control, sólo unas pocas sesiones con Carla me dieron suficientes herramientas y apoyo para tener un nuevo sentido de dirección y disciplina. Así que si estás buscando un terapeuta holístico con los dos pies en el suelo, esta es tu persona.
La TCC es la terapia más basada en la evidencia que existe hasta la fecha. Se utiliza para emociones abrumadoras como la ansiedad, la depresión, el pánico, la ira y otras. La TCC es una forma de psicoterapia centrada en la solución, diseñada para reducir los síntomas y aumentar el bienestar lo antes posible. El componente cognitivo se centra en cambiar los patrones de pensamiento problemáticos. El componente conductual ayuda a desarrollar acciones que nos sirvan. Y el enfoque basado en la atención plena nos ayuda a anclarnos en el momento presente, con apertura y curiosidad. Los tratamientos son sencillos y prácticos, pero requieren trabajo. El poder de la TCC es proporcionar un objetivo y las técnicas manejables y un plan sistemático para conseguirlo.

  Plexo solar donde esta

Presentation yoga espacio darshana (cáceres).wmv

This millenary discipline is one of the best systems of integral care that exist. In yoga, body, mind and spirit are strengthened and serene with the practice of asanas, breathing and meditation.
Doing yoga regularly provides energy and improves health, strengthens and stretches the muscles of the whole body, correcting postural problems and preventing back and joint pathologies.
Practicing yoga will not only change our body, but also our energy, it will help us to be more aware of ourselves, to discover many things that have to do with our soul, to take care of our body in a healthy way, to acquire calm and serenity.
The asanas produce powerful stretching and tone the muscles, also activate the lymphatic system, the glands, oxygenate the blood, massage and help drain the internal organs, and many other physical benefits, but even being therapeutically wonderful, that is not the purpose of the asanas or yoga, yoga seeks through the apparently known (the body), to control the unknown (the mind), whose misuse is the main cause of unhappiness.

  Respiracion yoguica

Via de la plata stage 16 cesar de caceres to canaveral 2

We are facing the inevitable, something that does not depend much on us, but at the same time it does depend… And this “yes” is what makes the difference! Our attitude. Our readiness to change. Our flexibility. Our ability to adapt to different realities and to have to live one of them…without being able to escape.
And it is now that taking care of oneself costs a lifetime, when it feels like giving it all up, and it is precisely now that taking care of oneself becomes the most important thing again. The whole crisis will pass, but how we will get out of it depends only on us. And this is what makes the difference: how we treat ourselves.
There are many constructive tools, and I propose you one of them which is yoga. Our practice on the mat is a reflection of our life, with all its ups, downs, achievements and disappointments, with the uphill and downhill, with what we love and enjoy and what we hate and avoid. Getting on the mat is like signing the contract of well-being with oneself, forming a resolution to be well, to try, to experiment, to discover, to believe in oneself, to love – yes, yes – to love….

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